This is the new website and is different from the old website that is no longer will be used, here I will help you through the Website since I am somewhat limited to what I can do. Also ignore the name, I suck at naming sites.
Old Website Click Here
How it Works
This image below is showing that any words with Series/Anime is clickable going to the List of Soundtrack of that Anime. Going from OP, ED, Soundtracks, Others (This Method no longer use because it takes too much time).
Note: Any Red words(<---- Not this) are Links
How to search a Soundtrack or an Anime
Use the either 1 images below to search for the Anime, Game, etc to find. You Can also use the search button to search for the Composer, Anime, Game, Song Name, etc.
You may also use the Tags on the Soundtrack to search that Series, OP, ED, etc.
How to Unzip Files
Windows: Winrar
Mac: Unarchiver
Encrypto is a file that compresses to a file that is not easy to unlock
Mac: Download
Windows: Download
Found Files that goes back to the old site
Ignore them, they were there before I changed it to this site.
Thats all I got to say